About Me

My name is Stephanie and I am an Elementary School Counselor in South West, Virginia. I am a K-12 Certified School Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor, a MICHE Representative, a girlfriend (of 11 years...yes I know I know), a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, and the author of this blog. I list so many because I find that school counseling often takes over my life, my thoughts, my plans and I must become better at time management and remembering what is MOST important to me and that is my wonderful family and friends. As a 2nd year Professional School Counselor (PSC) I know that this will become easier as time goes by and I find my groove but for right now it can be overwhelming. I find that I have so many ideas and that I want to help everyone (and have a hard time saying no) so I really have to prioritize and realize that sometimes the ideas will have to wait until next school year so that I so not overload myself. 

I get very excited talking about School Counseling and the awesome things we get to do. So, the reason that I wanted to start this blog is to share ideas with fellow PSCs, get insight, and through this hopefully learn how to be the best School Counselor I can be while continuing to also fill the many other roles in my life that often get neglected. In grad school they pressed self-care and burnout so much and I thought it was a little over kill but I realize now why and I hope that this blog can help me figure out the best way to care for myself and my kiddos at school.

It's difficult starting out and trying to get your program together so I hope this will help new school counselors, provide new ideas for current school counselors/interns, and provide me some self-care by talking it out with you all!

Thanks for stopping by!


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